Dr. İclal Ayşe Küçükkırca

  • Title: Thinking about Diyarbakır, Sur in terms of Homelessness(Part 1)
  • Başlık: Diyarbakır Sur’u Evsizlik Üzerinden Düşünmek (Bölüm 1)
  • Date/Tarih: 5 Jun/Haz 2021

Recommended Readings / Önerilen Okumalar

  • Blunt, Alison, Dowling, Robyn.  Home (Key Ideas in Geography). Routledge, 2006, 1-32.
  • Brah, A. Cartographies of Diaspora, Routledge, 1996, 1-16.
  • Collins, Patricia Hill. “It’s All in the Family: Intersections of Gender, Race and Nation”, Hypatia, Summer 1998, 62-82.
  • Creswell, Tim. Place: An Introduction. Wiley and Blackwell, 2014, 39-41, 173-186.
  • Çağlayan H., Ozar Ş., Doğan A T. Ne Degişti? Kürt Kadınların Zorunlu Göc Deneyimi. Ayizi Yayinlari, 2011.
  • Çicek, Cuma. Kürt Çatışması ve Çözüm Arayışları:Uluslararası Deneyimler Işığında Türkiye’de Çatışma Çözümü ve Uzlaşı Süreçleri, İletişim Yayınları, 2020.
  • Handel, Ariel. “What’s in a home? Toward a critical theory of housing/dwelling.”  Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, vol. 0, no. 0, 2019, pp. 1-18.
  • hooks, bell. Yearning: Race, Gender and Cultural Politics. South End Press, 1999, 41-50.
  • Kallus, Rachel, Hubert Law Yone. “National Home/Personal Home: Public Housing and the Shaping of National Space in Israel.”, European Planning Studies, 10, 6, 2002, 765-779.
  • Legg, Stephen. “Gendered Politics and Nationalised Homes: women and the anti-colonial struggle in Delhi, 930–47” Gender, Place and Culture, 10,1, 2003, 7–27.
  • Meth, Paula. “Rethinking the domus in domestic violence: homelessness, space and domestic violence in South Africa.” Geoforum, 34, 2003, 317–327.
  • Said, E. “Reflections on Exile.” Granta, 13,1984, 159-72.
  • Sarup, Madan. “Home and Identity.” Travellers’s Tales Narratives of Home and Displacement, Routledge, 1994, 89-101.
  • Soyukaya, Nevin. Damage Assessment Report on Old City (Surici) of Diyarbakir- Damage Assessment Report Conflict Period and following Demolition of the Old City (Surici) of Diyarbakir, 2017.
  • Warrington, M. “‘I Must Get Out’ Geographies of Domestic Violence.” Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 26, 3, 2001, 365-382.
  • Young, Iris Marion. “House and Home: Feminist Variations on a Theme.” Intersecting Voices/Dilemmas of Gender, Political Philosophy and Policy. Princeton University Press, 1997, 134-164.

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